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We are a “sacramental people.” The sacraments are a rich part of our church’s
worship. Persons, places and things help us to touch the divine presence and to be touched. In the sacraments the words and actions of Jesus continue to be expressed.
They are signs of God’s immeasurable love for us. They are gift!


CONTACT: Sr. Shirley Gerth to set a time for preparation.
The church requires that one parent and one godparent be an active and
participating Catholic.

First Reconciliation and First Eucharist

Both of these sacraments usually take place in the second grade. The catechesis for
First Reconciliation and First Eucharist takes place as part of class time. Families
are an important part of their children’s preparation for the sacraments.
If seeking these sacraments after the second grade CONTACT: Marsha Olivera at


St. Anne offers preparation for the Sacrament of Confirmation every other year.
It is offered at the eleventh and twelfth grade level. The classes meet every other week for two hour sessions from mid September till May. The classes include
individual and group work. Prayer experiences are also a part of class time. Service
projects are also a required part of the program. The candidates participate in two public rites.
A sponsor is required for Confirmation.
Sponsor qualifications

                                     . must be at least sixteen years of age

                                     . must be fully initiated ( have received Baptism, Confirmation

                                       and Eucharist)

                                     . not bound by any church penalty

                                     . must NOT be a parent of the one being Confirmed

Preparation for the Sacrament of Confirmation after the twelfth grade is through the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults.
CONTACT: Marsha Olivera at 765-529-8976


CONTACT: Sr. Shirley Gerth at least six months before the wedding to begin
preparations for this sacrament.

Vocations to Priesthood and Religious Life

Vocations Director/Archdiocese of Indianapolis
Father Joseph B. Moriarty    (800) 392-9836